Shodan system shock face
Shodan system shock face

shodan system shock face shodan system shock face shodan system shock face

It is an obvious upgrade to throwing grenades by hand, since it launches them farther away and with impact detonation, removing timing necessity and greatly increasing accuracy. It uses Frag, EMP, and Gas grenades for ammunition, making it a powerful weapon versus all enemy types. The EM-83 Grenade Launcher can be found on Level 4-Storage, in Storage 1. It is new to the remake and is not featured in the original game. EM-83 Grenade Launcher is a weapon in System Shock (Remake). This includes fragmentation, electromagnetic, and gas grenades. The EM-83 uses compressed gas charges to turn any grenade into a high-velocity projectile that detonates on impact.

Shodan system shock face